Chapter 5 Page 8
Posted January 23, 2015 at 03:29 am

Hey guys! I'm swamped with freelance work and was going to be late with this page, so I asked for some opinions on Twitter and decided to post the pencils I had done for you today instead of skipping the update. I hope you find them fun to look at and/or interesting! This is the first step for every Paranatural page. I'll jump into finishing the page as soon as I finish my other work (DEADLINES!) and post that some time Saturday evening or Sunday morning. I hope you'll come back then to see the completed page and get a better idea of what exactly is going on in panels five and six :^) Though it may still be a mystery then! Thanks so much for your patience~ See you guys again soon!

OK, page is up now! Hope you like it! :^)